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Major consensus reached on Australian climate risk reporting

Twenty of Australia’s most influential business and finance peak bodies have come to an unprecedented consensus on the need for sustainability reporting including action on climate risk through a new reporting regime that aims to set a global baseline.

The group has welcomed the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) draft sustainability standards in a joint submission which collectively represents the voice of 20 peak professional, industry and investor bodies in Australia who came together to prepare the joint response to the two exposure drafts.

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About Governance Institute of Australia

A national membership association, Governance Institute of Australia advocates for a community of governance and risk management professionals, equipping over 8,000 members with the tools to drive better governance within their organisation.​ Our mission is to drive better governance in all organisations, which will in turn create a stronger, better society.

Business, investor and conservation groups come together to support Climate Bill as key step towards policy certainty and investment

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